Saturday, December 23, 2006

We've blocked the entire show now!

Yea! I apologize for not posting in a while. Well, we just ran thru Act Two tonight for the designers..well, one designer, the lighting designer....and it went pretty well. This rehearsal is our last one before the Christmas Holidays. We don't go back until the 26th. The show is in good shape. We all just have to do our homework and look over our scripts, score, and blocking.

This week has been very tiring for me. The second act has a lot of moving around and dancing and I did well for an old man. But I did wake up sore after the first rehearsals of learning all the choreography...epecially for the numbers of "What is Urinetown?" and "Snuff That Girl". I've been slacking off of my workouts and I need to get back to the gym soon!

Also, this week, I must note that after one rehearsal, Soupy Sue, Tiny Tom, Little Becky Two-Shoes, Billy Boy Bill, the director and myself went somewhere to eat and had the WORSE service ever. I kind of felt sorry for our waiter because it seemed to me that he was probably new and overwhelmed and I really don't think it was his fault. And actually, I didn't mind the wait because we got to bond and talk more...but it was getting late.


Drewster said...

And once again, I was not invited! I guess you just don't love me anymore?

What restaurant was it?

Hank the Tank said...

We went to Katz's Deli. Sorry about the no invite...I just happen to be standing in the lobby when they were mentioning going somewhere...and I was starving too!