Saturday, December 16, 2006

Finishing Act One

Well, we finished staging Act One! I don't come back in until after Bobby Strong says, "Run for your lives, Run!" Then we ran thru all the numbers in Act One. We hadn't gone over much of the show since we started we all were trying to remember...sometimes unsuccesfully. But we made it through and we do a stumble thru for the designers on Sunday.

After rehearsal, some of the cast members went to La Tapatia. I always like to "bond" with the cast, but always have to decline offers because of training and work. But I got a text from my trainer that he couldn't make it in the morning...and now i could stay out late! Also, one of the little dogs rested on my shoulder after rehearsal...too cute!

Urinetown trivia: (I mentioned this during rehearsal) The reason why Little Becky Two-Shoes is pregnant in the show is because the original actress during the Off-Broadway run, Meghan Lawrence, was with child right before they opened on Broadway and had to leave the show on maternity leave. So, as an 'omage' to her condition, they decided to keep the character pregnant with the replacement, Jennifer Cody, and the rest is history!

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