Thursday, December 28, 2006

Cue to Cue Tech - Day 2

So, we started where we left off last night. 'Act One Finale' was one of the longest numbers to tech. And there is so much in it...with moving around the set pieces. We got all the way to the end of 'Snuff That Girl'. We also choreographed the "Pee Ballet" which is very cute...and it features me! (or rather, my character, Old Man Strong). Sort of a prelude before the book scene with Old Man Strong.

During our many times of just standing around, I was teaching Soupy Sue some steps from the Opening Number of 42nd Street. I haven't done that in a while now. I have that show in common with Pennywise. She did the show prior to my production in '97. I think that dancing around did me some good tonight. I'm not as tired as I was last night.

I have also been fighting getting sick this week. I think I've about gotten over it..but only time will tell. I usually feel worse in the morning. So, I will have to wait and see tomorrow. I just can't get sick before this show even opens!

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