Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Staging Act One

By the nagging of Soupy Sue, I'm going to keep up more regular blogs.

We've been staging Act One for the last couple days. Yesterday, we staged 'Privilege to Pee' and besides being Penelope Pennywise's big number (which our Pennywise does VERY well - belts the high G and everything) it also introduces and says farewell to my first character, Old Man Strong. I pretty much get thrown around stage for this number.

Some of the staging for this show is very funny. We have a lot of fun with the show and end up cracking ourselves up. I especially like my 'seizing' after 'Privilege to Pee'. Subtle, but hilarious. I also had some difficulty getting some lines out. I don't mind...have you seen the Will and Grace bloopers?...they do the same I'm in good company. :) The director had a lot of good ideas for this number. I especially like my exit.

Tonight, they were running "Cop Song" when I walked in and then we staged the scene after (including my 'ghost' scene) into "Follow Your Heart". We finished up the evening staging the "Look to the Sky" number. The director was about to dismiss me for the night, but I wanted to be in the number - and I learned the song anyway. So, I'm in the number as Hot Blades Harry.

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