Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Two Orchestra Dress Rehearsals

Ok, besides not having A/C on Monday, the Emerald Orchestra dress went well. I got a new duty of using dry ice to have a fog effect onstage. That brings us to last night's rehearsal where me and another guy actually tried doing this. It consisted of getting this pot of boiling water from the kitchen in the basement and pouring it over a pan of dry ice. Well...long story short...there was fog, but it never made it to the stage.

Also, we were so disoriented with that new duty that me and the other guy did not make the set change immediately afterwards. No biggie. Well, unless you talk to the two leads who had a fit about it. All I will say is...chill out! I'm not going to stress out over something at a dress rehearsal that can easily be fixed, but they ranted on like we didn't have a clue. I could tell the other leads were about as annoyed as we were. There are better things to get hyper over than that.

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