Friday, March 16, 2007

First AIDA Super Rehearsal

So, yesterday was my first super rehearsal. First thing was a costume and wig fitting at 7pm and I was dreading it so much. Ugh! At least I have a couple weeks to lean down more. Next was a staging rehearsal at 8:30pm - so I had a LOT of time in between. Especially because the ID machine was broken - so none of the supers could get their ID badge processed yesterday. So, back I went up to the break room on the 6th floor. I befriended a fellow super, Aaron, who is a chemist and his wife is a HGO chorus member. He has never done anything, but his wife convinced him to do it and it gives them more time together.

Also, met Bryan, a sales manager from Cypress. We had a lot of time to get to know each other and chat before we were called in at 8:30. I think I've seen some of these people before like Daniel Padilla. I hung around him and Aaron because we had similar body types and height. Well, first thing we did was sit in around in a circle and introduce ourselves to the director, Jo Davies, and the choreographer. Then they had all the men stand in a line so they could pick who was going to be carrying the lead tenor on the "elephant".

They decided to go with the tall guys. Whew! Although, after it was all set up, it wouldn't have been that hard anyway. Sometimes, it pays to be short! Then they picked 4 guys for guards and then more guys and a couple women for banner carriers. I didn't get any, just a Thiopian (?) who turns into an Ethiopian slave during the grand parade. That's ok, because since I'm going to have to miss the next 4 rehearsals, it might be better to not have too much to do anyway.

I had a bit of a scare this morning, when my sister called me to say my dad had a heart attack. After calling my mom, my sister called again and told me that he was ok and it was NOT a heart attack. Thank God!

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