Tuesday, March 13, 2007

More Don Giovanni Rehearsal

We had more staging rehearsal for the last couple days. There were just some ensemble scenes that needed more focus on and tweaking. By the way, I was appointed dance captain by the director for the minuet scene for the chorus. Also, I now have to do the chair lift during the 'jolly chorus number' early in Act one. The guy that usually does it is not going to be back until Thursday - so I was just filling in for him at rehearsal. Well, I have since taken his spot since I'm there and he won't be there for 3 rehearsals.

We have tonight off. Yay! Because we only have one Leporello, since the other guy got fired on the first day for not knowing his music. It's nice that some ensemble members are eager to act as extras in scenes. Some avoid it like the plague. I guess I'm somewhere in between - but it does make the scenes more interesting - especially for an opera.

1 comment:

Drewster said...

don't take the middle ground. I played coy during Fiorello! and one guy, who can't dance a lick, was picked for the waltz and I was not.

He later got cut but no waltzer was put in his place.

Others may find you annoying if you are always volunteering, but at least you get to do something!