Sunday, August 16, 2009


I haven't seen The Time Traveler's Wife yet. Hopefully, tonight! I can't wait for my P90X to be delivered on Wednesday. I need something productive since I have nothing to do during the day. This kind of reminds me of how my life was like before I got into a relationship, got out of a relationship and then got a full time job in the corporate world.

I appreciate that I can start over and restart my life at 40. I think the phrase, "Life Begins at 40", is becoming least for me. As I have more free time here for a few weeks in Texas to re-evaluate my life again, I have discovered more things about myself that I think will improve it in the future. For most of my life, I have always tried to please people and always placed my feeling behind others. I've just been raised to do that. And I don't think it's truly what I want. I tend to be what people want me to be, just so I don't make any waves. And then get frustrated later on, because that's not really me.

I can see now that I have always been a unique personality, but every time that I try to express myself - I get someone telling me that's not appropriate. So I have become over the years what various people call appropriate and it's been easy to maintain that. Now that I am older, I am ready to change that and challenge myself to becoming my true self. "Be true to yourself". So get ready to see some great changes to me in the future!

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